If I was flourishing in all elements of PERMA, my life would look much better than it does today. I would be filled with positive emotions in all areas of life. During practice, no matter how hard it is, I would be optimistic. Rather than complaining about the work that I don’t want to do, I would be grateful for the opportunity to do it. I would be engaged and focused a lot more than I am now. In class I would pay attention and retain the information. My relationships would be strong and filled with positivity. I would check in on my family often and spend more quality time with my friends. This would naturally lead to more joy in my life. I would find meaning in all that I do. That includes the hard stuff, what I don’t particularly enjoy. I would consciously be more aware that everything I do should be for the glory of God. All of these aspects would lead to me feeling very successful. After each day of hard work, I would rest in knowing that I accomplished my goals.